World Religion
information on India - Religions in India
was born in India about the same period as Buddhism. It
was established by Mahavira in about 500 B. C. Mahavira
like Buddha belonged to the warrior caste. Mahavira was
called Jina meaning the big winner and from
this name was derived the name of the religion.
many senses Jainism is similar to Buddhism. Jainism like
Buddhism, developed as a dissention to the Brahmanic
philosophy that was dominant during that period in north-
east India. Mahavira just like Buddha isnt the
first prophet of his religion. In Jainism like Buddhism
there is a belief in reincarnation which eventually leads
to liberation. Both these religions dont center in
religious philosophy around Almighty worship. But Jainism
is different than Buddhism in its ascetic beliefs. Both
these religions emphasis on non-violence, but in Jainism
non-violence is its main core.
believe that every thing has life and this also includes
stones, sand, trees and every other thing. The fact that
trees breath came to be known to the science world only
from the 20th century. Mahavira who believed that every
thing has life and also believed in non-violence
practically didnt eat anything causing his self-
starvation to death. Mahavira was also extremely ascetic
and walked around completely naked because of his
renouncement of life.
religion followers are less extreme than him in diets.
They are vegetarians. But the religious Jains will do
everything possible to prevent hurting any being. They
wont walk in fields where there are insects to
prevent the possibility of stepping on them. They also
cover their mouth to prevent the possibility of
swallowing small invisible microbes. They mostly do not
work in professions where there is a possibility of
killing any living being like in agriculture instead
professions like banking and business. But it is not
clear what came first, businessmen who adopted Jain
philosophy because it was easy for them to follow or
Jainish philosophy which convinced the Jains to adopt non
violent professions.
are two Jain philosophies. Shvetember and Digamber.
Digamber monks like Mahavira dont wear any clothes,
but normally they dont walk like that outside their
temples. The Digambers include among them only men. The
Shvetembers monks wear white clothes and they include
Life Force : The World of Jainism